Pacifica Orthopedics, Huntington Beach, California.

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Do You Have Morton’s Neuroma?


Have you ever heard of the condition called Morton’s neuroma? Perhaps you have been recently diagnosed with this condition or you know of someone that has. This is a condition that affects the foot and in particular the area that the nerve between the third and fourth toes. A neuroma is more often the word that will describe a benign tumor, however in the case of Morton’s neuroma it is referring to a fibrous swelling on or near the nerve. The space that it occurs between the toes is called the third intermetatarsal.

When someone has Morton’s neuroma they will most commonly talk about the pain they experience around the area directly concerned and pain that can spread to the ball of the foot. When walking or moving the pain will be sharp and intense and the person will find that movement will become more and more difficult to carry out due to this pain.

Many patients report that they first noticed the pain when they were walking. Often saying they thought there was something in their shoe near their toes or under the ball of their foot. There may have also been some tingling sensation experienced as well as heat. As time passes the condition will exacerbate and the condition going away without orthopedic attention is not high. Therefore prompt attention sought with your orthopedic doctor is the most effective way of treating and being relieved of this problem sooner.

Should you have pain that is emanating from this part of your foot it is strongly advised that you seek the attention of an orthopedic doctor. Not all orthopedic conditions will require surgery and a simple consultation will provide the patient with a thorough plan of action and treatment options as well as pain management for the condition.

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